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Riviera Member Presale: January 14 @ 12:00PM — Public On Sale: January 17 @ 10:00AM. *Online ticket sales are closed 3 hours prior to events. Tickets will be available at the door, 1 hour prior to the event.

TOAST is the No. 1 Tribute in the world to the 70’s hit band, BREAD! With a surprising fidelity rarely heard from a live tribute band, their sound is often described as “spot on” to the original recordings. Audiences everywhere rave about closely their live performances sound like the cherished records they listened to back in the day.

Over their career, Bread scored 13 hits on Billboard’s Top 100!! The two surviving members of Bread (David Gates & Robb Royer) are happily retired and enjoying their time with family and the fruits of their musical careers. Enter TOAST – The Ultimate Bread Experience who does everything possible to keep the legacy of Bread alive.

TOAST presents a “feel-good” show that includes all of Bread’s top hits and brings all the memories flooding back quickly which makes their concert truly “rise” to the top as one of the favorite concerts of audiences everywhere!


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